8th Grade Orientation to LHS #LawrenceburgLegacy
GMS attended CASA Event #LawrenceburgLegacy
GMS attended CASA Event #LawrenceburgLegacy
Report cards went home today. If your child had a D or an F it must be signed and returned by Friday.
GMS was on an interior lock down this afternoon due to a report of suspicious activity in the parking lot. After law enforcement investigated and searched the vehicle confirming it was safe we lifted the lockdown.
Medical Records getting ready to perform at State #LawrenceburgLegacy
GMS last day before break #LawrenceburgLegacy
Band concert WILL take place at 7 pm 6 pm arrival time
ALL events at GMS are cancelled this evening until 6 pm. The band concert is still on time!
GMS Welcomes CES Thanks to Lynn Deddens for a great presentation to keep kids safe! #LawrenceburgLegacy
Bowling for Kids #LawrenceburgLegacy
Spring clocks forward this weekend #LawrenceburgLegacy
Mr. Leiker reading to Mr. Walker's #LawrenceburgLegacy
6th graders love talking about what they are currently reading #LawrenceburgLegacy
Academic Team at GMS tonight #LawrenceburgLegacy
Library Art #LawrenceburgLegacy
GMS orientation meeting for CES #LawrenceburgLegacy
Attending training Leadership that Delivers from Spirit Seminars #LawrenceburgLegacy
Attending training Leadership that Delivers from Spirit Seminars #LawrenceburgLegacy
Attending training Leadership that Delivers from Spirit Seminars #LawrenceburgLegacy