Volleyball open gym is cancelled for Wednesday, July 17 #LawrenceburgLegacy
almost 5 years ago, Jayme Herbert
If you haven't registered your child please do so today so we can make final decisions on schedules. Thanks have a great weekend! #LawrenceburgLegacy
almost 5 years ago, Jayme Herbert
Reminder every child must be registered. If your child isn't returning please notify us. We currently have 50% completion at GMS. If you haven't completed it please do so ASAP so we can finalize numbers & release schedules. Thanks have a great weekend! #LawrenceburgLegacy
almost 5 years ago, Jayme Herbert
Due to a variety of conflicts, GMS will unfortunately not have any staff at school to take calls today. If tou are trying to register and having issues email registration@lburg.k12.in.us We will have staff on site tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience. #LawrenceburgLegacy
almost 5 years ago, Jayme Herbert
Visible Learning with John Hattie #LawrenceburgLegacy #INPLI1
almost 5 years ago, Jayme Herbert
John Hattie
Starting Year Two of IPLI #LawrenceburgLegacy #INPLI1
almost 5 years ago, Jayme Herbert
IPLI Morning Session
Registration is open! Please register as soon as possible so we can get accurate numbers for class sizes and release schedules. Thanks #LawrenceburgLegacy
almost 5 years ago, Jayme Herbert
Registration for all schools opens July 9th. Schedules at GMS will not be available until registration is complete in case changes need to be made. Contact us with any questions. #LawrenceburgLegacy
almost 5 years ago, Jayme Herbert
Indianapolis Indians game with superintendents around the state #LawrenceburgLegacy
almost 5 years ago, Jayme Herbert
close seats
GMS Volleyball open gyms on 6/17 & 6/19 have been cancelled #LawrenceburgLegacy
almost 5 years ago, Jayme Herbert
As we say goodbye to another year, I want you to remember this year was one chapter in your life and just like in any book the story only gets better as you go.  I can't wait to see the story each of you writes! HAVE A GREAT SUMMER #LawrenceburgLegacy
almost 5 years ago, Jayme Herbert
Subway Award Winners Male & Female Highest GPA #LawrenceburgLegacy
almost 5 years ago, Jayme Herbert
Nicole and Jacob
Subway Award Winners for most improved #LawrenceburgLegacy
almost 5 years ago, Jayme Herbert
Payton and Kyndle
GMS Awards Programs for all grades will be live on our Facebook page today #LawrenceburgLegacy
almost 5 years ago, Jayme Herbert
Summer Tiger Paw Drawing #LawrenceburgLegacy
almost 5 years ago, Jayme Herbert
go pro
so excited
waiting for prizes
prizes and need wars
Walk to Lawrenceburg Library and Strong's Sugar Shack #LawrenceburgLegacy
almost 5 years ago, Jayme Herbert
Games during field day #LawrenceburgLegacy
almost 5 years ago, Jayme Herbert
Thanks Dunkin for having GMS students during field day #LawrenceburgLegacy
almost 5 years ago, Jayme Herbert
We have extra yearbooks at GMS if you would like to purchase one for $20 soft cover $25 hard cover. Quanities are limited # LawrenceburgLegacy
almost 5 years ago, Jayme Herbert
Kona Ice during grill out lunch today don't forget your money. #LawrenceburgLegacy
almost 5 years ago, Jayme Herbert