Thank you to all parents and students for meeting the 7 pm luggage time! The trip is going to be AWESOME!
about 1 year ago, Jayme Herbert
Reminder library books and fines are due tomorrow.
about 1 year ago, Jayme Herbert
Wanted to make parents aware GMS was on a brief lockdown while we located a student
about 1 year ago, Jayme Herbert
Reminder Mandatory DC meetings are tonight for the May trip Chaperone meeting starts at 5:30 in the GMS Commons (chaperones will also attend the student meeting) Student/Parent meeting starts at 7:00 in the gym
about 1 year ago, Jayme Herbert
ILEARN testing at GMS tomorrow please charge devices tonight. Thanks
about 1 year ago, Jayme Herbert
Reminder we are ILEARN testing today and tomorrow so 8th graders report directly to GMS
about 1 year ago, Jayme Herbert
If your child goes to LHS first period and they missed their ILEARN on Monday or Tuesday. Please have them report directly to GMS this morning for makeups
about 1 year ago, Jayme Herbert
Reminder we have ILEARN testing at GMS Monday and Tuesday. Please have your child charge their devices each night. Thanks
about 1 year ago, Jayme Herbert
Reminders, DC trip medical forms are due to GMS tomorrow. Also, make sure the mandatory meeting is on your calendar for April 26 details are on the announcements and in the handouts from earlier this year.
about 1 year ago, Jayme Herbert
Grades are final for 3rd qtr. in PowerSchool
about 1 year ago, Jayme Herbert
Due to the weather, the flagpole doors will be open this morning at GMS
about 1 year ago, Jayme Herbert
LAST CHANCE to order your 2022/2023 GMS Yearbook. Deadline to order is Tomorrow. Visit: and enter this code: 72730B.
about 1 year ago, Jayme Herbert
Don't forget to order your 2022/2023 GMS Yearbook. Deadline to order is TODAY! Visit: and enter this code: 72730B.
about 1 year ago, Jayme Herbert
Welcome back to fourth quarter! Due to the rain this morning, the flagpole doors for GMS will be open.
about 1 year ago, Jayme Herbert
Don't forget to order your 2022/2023 GMS Yearbook. Deadline to order is March 31! Visit: and enter this code: 72730B.
about 1 year ago, Jayme Herbert
Reminder all students need a pair of plug in headphones for ILEARN. If you haven't sent them yet, please send on Monday so we can get them sorted for practice testing which starts Tuesday. Please put them in a baggie with their full name and grade level. Thanks!
about 1 year ago, Jayme Herbert
Don't forget to order your 2022/2023 GMS Yearbook. Deadline to order is March 31! Visit: and enter this code: 72730B.
about 1 year ago, Jayme Herbert
Reminder all students need a pair of plug in headphones for ILEARN. Please send those to the school by Friday so we can get them sorted for testing. If possible, please put them in a baggie with their full name and grade level.
about 1 year ago, Jayme Herbert
Reminder for 8th graders who go to LHS all classes will be held at GMS in the cafe the next three days.
about 1 year ago, Jayme Herbert
Household Good Fundraiser are available for pick up today until 6 pm and any other day before 4 o'clock. If you need a later time, please reach out to Mrs. Herbert.
about 1 year ago, Jayme Herbert